Late-breaking Awesomeness

I belong to the weird world of Pinterest, which is populated by people posting pictures of outfits and homes they can’t afford, bodies they don’t have, crafts that are too good to be believed and recipes – lots and lots of recipes.

Now, making a craft or recipe from Pinterest is a little risky.  Pinterest is an image-driven site, so everything pinnable looks fantastic – people have taken the time to photograph things very well.  That, and no one posts pictures of the thirty failed attempts that must have preceded the amazing finished product.  So, chances are, the first time out of the gate, your craft/recipe is not going to look much like the perfect image you found at the online site.  There’s even a meme about it:

It's funny, 'cause it's true.

Well, after I posted my Awesome List for this week, I turned to Pinterest, pulled up a recipe and decided to give it a try.  We had tons of s’mores makings, and I wanted to use them up and make something to share with the neighbors.  I settled on a recipe for a  S’mores Pie that looked promising.  But then again, everything looks promising on Pinterest.  Here’s the picture of the pie that came with the recipe:

Courtesy of

I had high hopes, but realistic expectations about how this pie would turn out in my kitchen.  The recipe made it clear that the author had gone through some trial and error to get that perfect-looking pie.  Here I was, trying to make something presentable in one shot.

Well, here’s the picture of my pie:

Actual pie.

It was a Pinterest miracle!  A perfect pie in one try.

I should have struck while the iron was hot and did one of those ‘home workouts’ posted all over the site in order to get that amazing body.  But there was perfect pie to eat…

4 thoughts on “Late-breaking Awesomeness

  1. Wish I knew what s’more are but they look good. As for you photo its all in the lighting, the image you hoped yours would turn out like looks like a pro taken image, the lighting is very good were yours look like its in shadow,. Next time take your photo outside on a bright over cast day and put your camera to p rather then Auto you will see a difference. Either way, yours looks yummy and looks like its made with love…..and they are the best ones. 🙂

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